I don’t read. There I said it. 

Every expert had just spat out their avocado and egg breakfast and started to delete their subscriptions and remove their following on this page. There is a reason for this. I don’t have time and I travel a lot. I also have the unique ability to fall asleep in less than 1 page of a book. 

So I listen, I listen to podcasts and audiobooks. I can do this when I’m I the train, on a plane, in a car, or whilst writing a report or proposal. I even listen whilst I sleep in that I have the book in the background talking to me, this is supposed to help me learn through osmosis, does it work? It does with me but it can be annoying for anyone with you, so I try to keep this to when I’m alone. 

I listen to books about business, psychology, self-help, autobiographies, and pretty much anything. 

Part of the life of a CEO has to be learning from others, this could be employees, peers, family and friends, however, the goal of learning should not be to understand a subject completely.  No one can know everything, even in a single subject, but it is the role of the CEO requires that you know something about everything you can. 

So this article I’m going to list all the books I personally recommend and links to each of the book reviews I have created. As I read more books and create reviews I will add them to this page for you to follow.